Monitors with Webcam: A Guide

Modern workflows require a variety of innovative features that truly make the daily job more connected, more productive and way faster. However, with such a variety of needs and extra tools, the battle against clutter is never ending. There’s one way to reduce cables and hassles on the work desk, while boosting productivity and improve comfort: a monitor with a built-in webcam.
How can I use my monitor’s built-in webcam?
Using your monitor’s built-in webcam is super easy because monitors automatically detect and initialize the integrated webcam. There are plenty of situations in which professionals can benefit from a built-in webcam, specifically in such a digitalized and connected word: a webcam is needed for virtual interviews, for catching up with colleagues, for team collaboration, and even for virtual social events. A built-in webcam makes all these virtual situations effortless, immediate, and easy, within everyone’s reach.
There’s an extra feature in some Philips built-in webcams: Busylight. Available in the Philips 49B2U6900CH, Busylight aids communication with professionals working in the same office: located on the top of the webcam, it is designed to communicate working statuses, making collaboration even easier.
Do any monitors have built-in webcams?
Philips Monitors designed for business environments and today’s dynamic professionals often offer built-in webcams. Partially the reason why is comfort and ease of use: with a built-in solution, the desk is cleaners because there’s no need for an external bulky solution. Partially because it allows to jump in and out of calls with ease, boosting productivity and comfort. Overall Philips monitors offer an integrated 5MP webcam that delivers sharp images and high-quality video calls, with noise-cancelling mic that helps people hear users loud and clear.
Two of the latest examples of monitors with a built-in webcam are the Philips 40B1U6903CH, which is optimized for a better video experience with a noise-cancelling microphone and Windows Hello™ 5MP pop-up QHD webcam for true-to-life meeting calls and extra security, and the Philips 49B2U6900CH that can adjust its auto-framing webcam to fit all team members during conference calls and it can be adjusted back and forth by 30 degrees to comfortably fit participants of all heights within the viewing field.
- For more info on the Philips 40B1U6903CH, please check out the product page here.
- For more info on the Philips 49B2U6900CH, please check out the product page here.
What is a built-in webcam?
A built-in webcam is a tool that has been specifically built in the monitor and it’s an integral part of the monitor’s hardware. It reduces clutter and the need to plug it in the (often scarce) laptop ports, but sometimes users might feel it is not at the same level of an external one. Nothing farther from the truth: Philips monitors include a pop-out 5MP webcam with auto-framing and noise cancellation microphone for high-quality video conferencing call, in any situation. This makes remote collaboration run smoothly, almost breaking the barriers between the virtual and physical world.
One of the main issues about built-in webcams is about its lack and limitation in flexibility: an external webcam can be easily placed anywhere the cable can reach, while the built-in solution is on top of the monitor. Philips monitors can avoid this issue in two ways. First, it is true that the webcam is on top of the monitor, but these monitors offer smart ergonomic stands that allow the whole display to be adjusted in height and angle, changing the webcam view. Some, such as the Philips 49B2U6900CH, go even a step further offering a built-in webcam with autoframing, for dynamic video calls. For more info on the Philips 49B2U6900CH, please check out the product page here.
Why does my built-in camera not work?
Sometimes technology fails us, even with devices that are of the best quality. A common issue might actually depend on the USB-C connection: if the built-in webcam option doesn’t show on Zoom or MS Teams among video settings. The first step is so to check the connection between the laptop and the monitor one more time, then re-open the platform again to refresh the settings.
If you are facing other issues, please visit the monitor’s guide, our Support Page or contact us.
Can you use a webcam instead of laptop camera?
You can, absolutely. If you connect your laptop to a Philips 40B1U6903CH or 49B2U6900CH, you can use the integrated 5MP webcam with noise-cancelling microphone in all your video calls. It’s an easy step that can make a huge difference in your work. Check the user guide of your monitor to see if you are using the webcam properly.